J'ai peur d'avoir faim, moi qui ne saute jamais un repas !


Hunger is the greatest fear of fasters! Rest assured, this is not the case. On the contrary, one of the great surprises of fasting is the absence of hunger. First of all, it is necessary to identify whether it is a psychological or physiological hunger. We think we are hungry when we are salivating. The secretion of pancreatic juices and the production of insulin increase slightly. This phase is called "cephalic". It synchronizes the reactions of your digestive system and prepares you to receive food. Except that this phase is disrupted by deep conditioning, like those of Pavlov's dogs who salivate at the sight of a white coat. You know your conditioning by heart: the fixed mealtimes that dieticians hammer you to respect, the moments of sharing often around the table, the reward to which you think you are entitled after a hard day's work, the compensation for a sad or happy emotion. It is not necessary to have a physiological need to eat to salivate. And if your stomach rumbles, it's not that it's crying out for food, it's that your small intestine is performing a final sweep to collect the last waste that it couldn't assimilate. Real hunger is the one that, in a restaurant, makes you deeply hate the waiter who served everyone but you. So, rest assured, the hunger you've experienced from skipping a meal or two for lack of time is much more uncomfortable than the hunger you might feel during a fast. For what ? Because your levels of leptin and serotonin (satiety and happiness hormones) increase and ghrelin, the hunger hormone, stays neutral. The last good news is that after the attack of acidosis, often after the third day of fasting, the feeling of hunger, for the small minority of fasting people who would feel it, disappears. The appetite-stimulating hormone, ghrelin, peaks the first two days of fasting, then gradually declines. Turn your fear of lack into pride. Enjoy the gurgles in your belly that occur during the first few days of fasting. They will not last and are proof that you are alive. Finally, we advise you to do a colonic irrigation ten days before the start of the fast or a purge (magnesium sulphate) at home or when you arrive at the center . If this sensation persists, an enema can also be performed during your stay.

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