To calculate the price of your stay at Go Wild, simply choose your stay and then add your type of accommodation with the support.
All our prices are given incl. VAT and per person.
Don't forget that by choosing to come and stay with us, you are doing good for yourself while doing good for others: you are choosing to contribute to a better world by supporting the social project that Go Wild finances, so thank you to YOU !

*For those who want to choose the juice detox/mono-diet stay option, you can book a fasting stay then contact us, or contact us before your reservation to discuss this matter.

Go wild is in partnership with the Vawanda platform.
Do you have questions about the cancellation conditions for a stay with Go Wild? We have selected your most frequently asked questions and answered them transparently.
I would like to withdraw and cancel my stay? How to proceed ?
To cancel a stay, simply contact us by email or telephone as quickly as possible before the start of your stay. See below the percentage of DEPOSIT that will be refunded.
I canceled my stay. Will the deposit be refunded to me?
If you cancel your visit less than 30 days before the start of your stay, the deposit will be refunded up to 50%.
If you cancel your visit less than 20 days before the start of your stay, the deposit will not be refunded.
If you cancel your visit less than a week before the start of your stay, it will be due in full.
I caught le COVID, can I cancel and get my stay refunded ? ?
In the event of a COVID-related cancellation, the deposit will be refunded or retained in the event of a postponement of your stay.
During my stay, I am forced to leave. Will I be entitled to a refund ?
In the event of early departure, whatever the cause, the entire stay is due.
Can I take out cancellation insurance ?
If you wish, you can take out cancellation insurance from SafeBooking.