C'est pas une secte ton truc?


Admittedly, the practice of fasting has been instrumentalized and used by many sects and religions. For what ? When we fast, we are in a special state for several reasons. First of all, by fasting, we go against our culture and upbringing; our instinct for survival can panic. Then, the first days, we can feel quite weak: it is a state of vulnerability where we break social codes. On the other hand, at the end of the 3rd or 4th day, a great clarity of mind appears which can be akin to a feeling of euphoria / omnipotence. Malicious people could take advantage of this moment to manipulate. Rest assured, at GoWild, we are not gurus! We are part of the French Federation of Fasting and Hiking and have only one desire: to accompany you for a week in the greatest benevolence possible, without ever trying to convince you of anything. We do not have the answers to everything, we do not have the infused science. We'll just try to share what worked for us. The rest is up to you. Finally, after each week, the Federation will ask you to fill out a questionnaire. This will be the time to tell us all the good (or bad :)…) that you thought of your stay with us and thus have a remedy in case of discomfort (which we do not hope, of course).

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