Buchinger Fasting Stay

What are Buchinger-type fasting stays?
Fasting consists of stopping all food intake, with or without water, it depends on the schools. At the physiological level, fasting begins from the 12th hour without food. There are two main types of fasting: dry fasting and water fasting. There are several methods and varying durations for practicing fasting.
At Go Wild, we offer the Buchinger Fast.
The Buchinger fasting method was devised by the German physician Otto Buchinger (1878-1966)
During the fast, we take fruit and vegetable juices, herbal teas, filtered water and broth, which provide minerals and vitamins; herbal teas are used to stimulate the emunctories (organs that will release toxins from our body and clean it thoroughly during 6 days).
How does a week go?
Depending on the week, the fasting stays will have particular themes, which you can choose according to your desires and tastes:
1. Sugar detox : understand everything about daily sugar addiction and how to get rid of it.
2. Art therapy : recharge your batteries by fasting, while practicing art therapy sessions to recharge your body and mind.
3. Keys to nutrition : understand the keys to balanced, rich and lively nutrition, in order to start off on the best possible foundation after a 6-day fast.
Whatever the chosen theme, the structure of the days, the principles of fasting remain the same.
Please note: we will only suggest, you are free to come to all activities or none: c’est votre moment !

Who is it for ?
Anyone in good health who wants to take a real break and regenerate their cells, to give their body a boost.
For all stays: yoga workshops on request and/or massages to relax as much as possible will be offered (not included in the price of the stay).
Finally, possibility of daily walks by the sea or in the forest.