Our stays
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Félicitations pour avoir réservé votre séjour en ligne ! Vous avez franchi la première étape pour vivre une expérience mémorable. Les prochaines démarches sont simples et nous sommes là pour vous guider à chaque étape du processus. Il vous suffit maintenant de remplir le bulletin d’inscription. Notre équipe est disponible pour répondre à toutes vos questions et pour vous accompagner dans la préparation de votre voyage. Nous avons hâte de vous aider à concrétiser ce séjour exceptionnel que vous avez choisi avec nous.
Une fois que vous avez sélectionné et réservé votre séjour, vous pouvez maintenant télécharger et compléter le formulaire d’inscription. Une fois que vous l’avez rempli, vous avez la flexibilité de nous le retourner par e-mail ou de l’imprimer et de nous le faire parvenir par voie postale à l’adresse spécifiée sur le formulaire.
Once we have received your registration form and the deposit, we will send you a confirmation by e-mail. This letter will contain all the necessary practical information, as well as details concerning the payment of the balance of your stay.
We are sometimes showered with a lot of information, some of it contradictory. It is difficult to disentangle the true from the false. Sometimes, out of patience and by dint of restrictive diets that work for a while, but never in the long term, we despair of not being able to lose our extra pounds and above all to make peace with our weight and diet. During this week we will suggest that you think about food as a health ally and we will eliminate the word "diet". By understanding the mechanisms of the human body, we will be able to introduce sustainable and key practices into our diet that will allow us to lose weight sustainably and above all to regain our vital energy.
We know that taking time for yourself is already something extraordinary in our society where everything is going so fast. During this break week, you will have time for yourself, to relax, to recharge your batteries. We also believe that it can be relaxing to take time to express yourself other than orally, and that art can be an equally vital vector of expression. During this week, we suggest that you combine the tremendous detox that your body experiences with fasting with that of a unique moment of artistic expression with an experienced art therapist who will be able to accompany you with kindness and gentleness, without ever forcing your hand, following your rhythm and your wishes.
It all starts in our mouth, the sugar comes into contact with the taste buds and activates the sweet taste receptors. The nerve impulse that is produced progresses from relay to relay to the gustatory cerebral cortex which interprets the flavor and activates the reward circuit. Some research, especially the well-known ones done on rats, speaks of the addictive potential of sugar. Here, we will start from the principle that the crux of the problem is above all in its omnipresence and in its excess. During the week, we will discover the impact of sugar on our vital energy and reflect together on how to reduce our sugar consumption in a progressive and comfortable way.